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School Directory

1 2 3 > showing 1 - 25 of 54 constituents

Tom Adkins

Titles: Teacher, Athletic Director
Departments: High School Science

Amy Amos

Titles: Teacher, RCEA President
Departments: Middle School English/Lanuage Arts, Middle School Social Studies

Heather Armour

Titles: Library Media Specialist
Departments: Librarian

Paul Arnow

Titles: Teacher
Departments: Special Education

Preston Barnett

Titles: Teacher
Departments: CTE

Christopher Birch

Titles: Teacher
Departments: High School Mathematics

Amy Brown

Titles: Teacher
Departments: Special Education

Katrina Collier

Titles: Teacher
Departments: 6th Grade, Middle School English/Lanuage Arts

Carrie Cook

Titles: Teacher, FFA Advisor
Departments: CTE

Ashley Corbin

Titles: Teacher, Health Sciences
Departments: CTE

Justin Couts

Titles: Teacher
Departments: 7th Grade, Middle School Science, Middle School Social Studies

Gail DeBusk

Titles: Teacher
Departments: High School Mathematics

Lori Dozier

Titles: Teacher
Departments: Special Education

Noah Eastland

Titles: Teacher, FBLA/STUCO Sponsor
Departments: CTE

Keely Ellis

Titles: Teacher
Departments: 6th Grade, Middle School English/Lanuage Arts

Sarah Evans

Titles: MKV Homeless Liaison, Social Worker
Departments: Family Resource Center

Jared Goodrich

Titles: Teacher, After School Tutoring Coordinator/Leadership Team Chair
Departments: 6th Grade, Middle School Mathematics

Eric Hagan

Titles: Teacher, Yearbook Coordinator, Assistant Basketball Coach, Head Baseball Coach
Departments: High School Social Studies

Jared Hawkins

Titles: Teacher, Head High School Ladies Basketball Coach
Departments: Middle School Social Studies

Mark Hayes

Titles: Teacher
Departments: Middle School Social Studies

Jada Head

Titles: School Nurse, Head Coach JBHS Softball
Departments: School Nurse

Asia Hindman

Titles: JBHS Assistant Principal, Building Testing Coordinator
Departments: School Administration

Kimberly Hollingsworth

Titles: El Teacher
Departments: English Language Learners (ELL)

Jacob Holt

Titles: Teacher, High School Theatre Arts Teacher
Departments: High School English, High School Fine Arts

Jessica Holt

Titles: Bookkeeper
1 2 3 > showing 1 - 25 of 54 constituents